Read more about our booking request conditions and collection of personal data policy.

Request Conditions

Submitting a study visit request or a declaration of interest (i.e. wishlist) for any content displayed by Smart City Sweden is not binding.

Collection of personal data

When you submit a study visit request or a declaration of interest (i.e. wishlist) we will need to collect and process your personal information in the form of name, e-mail address, phone number, street address, postal/zip code and city. This information along with your interests is necessary in order for us to know who you are and how many persons are interested in participating in a possible study visit. We also need the information to get in touch with you and to send possible billing information, course material before or after the visit, and send a survey after the visit.

If you are interested in our business and future study visits, we may keep your personal information in our registry and send out newsletters and other information regarding our business to your specified email address. In order for us to retain personal information, we need your consent. By your request or declaration of interest, you agree that we save your personal information for the above-described purposes.

A revocation will immediately be respected and we will then remove the data from our registry. In addition to the right to revoke your consent to your treatment at any time, you may request access to, and rectification or deletion of personal data, as well as limitation of processing of your personal information. You also have the right to object to our treatment and, if applicable, the right to obtain the data (so-called data portability).

Privacy Policy

Smart City Sweden is managed by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (Swedish organization number: 556116-2446), which is responsible for the data collection on this website. You can read IVL’s full privacy policy here.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact [email protected].

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