IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Island of Gotland is Home to Sustainable Energy System Pilot Project

The island of Gotland has been chosen as a pilot region for Sweden’s transition to a future sustainable energy system. The main requirements for this transition are a safe, reliable energy supply that is both ecologically sustainable and economically competitive.

Sweden has set a goal of achieving zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045. As part of this, the Swedish Energy Agency has been commissioned to ensure that Gotland is a pilot area ahead of the transition to a sustainable energy system. A roadmap has been developed for Gotland and will be implemented to help Gotland achieve its energy and carbon reduction targets earlier than the rest of Sweden.

Interaction for low-carbon activities

A regional holistic approach enables interaction between the various sectors of the energy system and other parties. The adaptation work must include secure energy supply both in peacetime and during times of heightened preparedness. The roadmap contains seven action areas developed for local challenges on Gotland: a flexible and robust electrical system, low-carbon industry, transport, resource-efficient buildings, a secure energy supply and emergency preparedness issues.

Inspiration for other countries

These measures will increase security of supply, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the proportion of renewable electricity production, and boost competitiveness and ecological sustainability. The goal is for these measures to provide lessons and inspiration for both the rest of Sweden and other countries.

Local energy centre

In addition to the objectives, a local Energy Centre has been established on Gotland; a regionally cohesive arena where technology, business models and regulations can be tested. Visit the energy centre to learn about Gotland’s initiatives to achieve an energy system with zero net emissions of greenhouse gases.

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