Find Swedish best practice
Here we have gathered some of the best smart & sustainable city solutions from Sweden. All Best Practices are possible to visit by booking a visit to one of our offices.
The Environmentally Sustainable City of Tomorrow in Malmö’s Western Harbour
Malmö’s Western Harbour, previously a run-down shipyard and industrial area covering 187 hectares, is now a vibrant ‘city within a city’, with a university, around 10,000 residents and more than 16,000 people working there (figure from 2016). The area has its own systems for managing its energy supply and waste treatment, and car traffic in the area has been minimised as an environmentally sustainable approach to urban planning and mobility.
Käppala – Turning Wastewater into Fuel and Heat
Käppalaverket is one of the world’s most efficient wastewater treatment plants, treating wastewater from more than 500,000 inhabitants in Stockholm. Here, the purification proess is turning waste to new resources, in the shape of biogas fuel as well as heat.
SWIC – a unique R&D facility for wastewater treatment technologies
Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Centre (SWIC) is Sweden’s leading and internationally known R&D facility in water purification technology. Different mobile devices and purification steps can be connected to the various water treatment lines to compare and develop future technologies.