Arbon Earth AB

Arbon Earth AB

Arbon Earth helps reset climate change by speeding up the natural carbon binding process. Arbon Earth’s goal is to make a significant contribution to resetting climate change with our ocean-based solution using bamboo and macro algae.

The macro algae grows on Arbon Earth’s Oceanpods, a floating carbon-fixing micro-ecosystem, made from bamboo. Bamboo is a very fast growing species, meaning that our Oceanpods are efficient at binding carbon from the start.

Arbon Earth releases the Oceanpods away from shipping routes, normal fishing areas and islands. They are then carried out to sea by currents. While at sea, Arbon Earth’s Oceanpods act as micro-nursery chambers where fish can grow during their first stages, benefiting different types of marine life.

After a number of months at sea, the macro algae have grown to full size, and the Oceanpods sink by design binding the carbon to the deep sea floor for hundreds to millions of years.

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