Sysav’s concept applies an eco-cycle perspective, and is based on overall solutions and high expertise to combine various treatment methods for dealing with each type of waste in the most sustainable way according to its properties.
Sysav is a leading company in the waste industry and contributes actively to a sustainable future for our environment and our society by treating waste following its specific properties while turning it into useful resources.
All of Sysav’s activities are based on the eco-cycle principle. To minimize landfills, a combination of methods is used to ensure the waste is harnessed as a resource in the best possible way. These methods include re-use, various forms of material recycling, waste-to-energy through incineration, biological treatment, composting and management of hazardous waste.
Quick facts
• In 2019 the Sysav Group received 887,100 tons of waste in total.
• 98.4 percent of the incoming waste was recycled as materials and as energy, leaving a mere 1.6 percent for landfilling.
• During the year 65,100 tons of food waste was received from households, grocery stores, restaurants and caterers.
• The food waste generated 50,600 tons of slurry, which transformed into biogas is equivalent to 3.3 million litres of petrol.
• 1,464,700 MWh of heating and 189,500 MWh of electricity were delivered to E.ON and Nordpool, the Nordic electricity grid. 14,600 MWh of heating and 90,500 MWh of electricity was used in the Sysav Group’s facilities.
• The waste-to-energy plant provided Malmö and Burlöv with 60 percent of their district heating need.