Six regional offices
Smart City Sweden has six regional offices that receive international delegations who want to experience Swedish best practice. Here you will get to know them a bit better.
Smart City Sweden Central
The central parts of Sweden are characterized by its large forest assets with high natural values that add to the help of the forest for climate and transition to a fossil-free society. The green economy is of great importance and a prioritized topic.
Smart City Sweden East
The east region offers a long tradition of cooperation between business and academia, which has contributed to a high level of innovation and a favourable business climate.
Smart City Sweden North
Northern Sweden is, with exceptional surroundings and strong entrepreneurship, driving the change towards sustainable growth. The region is strong in bio-economy, clean energy and smart sustainable cities.
Smart City Sweden South-East
The South-East region characterized by a strong industry and a high concentration of IT companies. With a strong foundation in academia, business and the public sector, the region is well supported for advanced innovation.
Smart City Sweden South
The South of Sweden is home to half of all Swedish export-oriented cleantech companies, as well as five universities. The region has some of Sweden’s top municipalities in regards to environmental matters.
Smart City Sweden West
West Sweden has one of the strongest clusters in Europe within the transport area with high competence within areas such as electromobility, autonomous driving and public transport. The region offers many advanced testbeds and science parks and strong research actors.