Purification of wastewater in Borlänge
In Borlänge there are two main wastewater treatment plants
In addition to these, there are also two smaller treatment plants located in Barkar Gärdet and Alderbäcken.
In a year approximately 5,000,000 m3 of water are being purified.
The goal is to reduce the impact on aquatic life. In addition to organic matter and nutrients there are a variety of other contaminants that may be difficult or impossible to remove during the purifivation. That is why heavy metals and hazardous chemicals never should end up in the sewage system.
Approximately 1,300 properties in Borlänge is not connected to our mains. These have their own treatment plants Type 3 septic tanks. The sludge from these tanks and from Idkebergets treatment plants is treated in Borlänge treatment plant and is delivered to a contractor that manufactures plant soil of it.