KTH Live-In Lab is a platform for accelerated innovation in the real-estate sector with a focus on digitalisation and sustainability. The purpose of KTH Live-In Lab is to reduce lead times between research results and market introduction.
Located in Stockholm on the campus of Sweden’s largest technical university, KTH Live-In Lab aims to help bring about the sustainable and resource-efficient buildings of the future. Most test beds in KTH Live-In Lab are operated in real environments for testing and researching new technologies and new methods.
KTH Live-In Lab offers a full-scale test environment, ranging from buildings and installations to housing and management organisations. Research and testing can be carried out in real buildings, allowing not only an evaluation of the product itself but also an assessment of how each component contributes to the performance of the building as a whole.
The KTH Live-In Lab encompasses a 300 sqm building permit-free innovation environment with modifiable student apartments, enabling studies into the resource-efficient and sustainable student housing of the future. The KTH Live-In Lab also receives property and user data from 305 shared student apartments on the university campus and one hotel in Stockholm.
Collaboration between industry and academia
KTH Royal Institute of Technology is Sweden’s leading technical university. By basing research and testing at KTH Live-In Lab, companies can gain excellence and opportunity for enterprise-based learning . Collaboration within KTH Live-In Lab allows companies and researchers to work together with students on courses or working on degree projects to help accelerate innovation.
Working with KTH Live-In Lab can help companies double the value of corporate R&D. This is done by applying for funding for R&D together with KTH (and possibly other companies or institutions) and using internal costs (time, material, etc.) as co-financing. Companies acquire knowledge without having to hire external know-how. KTH can assist in coordinating the initial application process or support external applicants as necessary. There are also synergies between different projects.