Find Swedish best practice
Here we have gathered some of the best smart & sustainable city solutions from Sweden. All Best Practices are possible to visit by booking a visit to one of our offices.
Haraholmen – a Green Industrial Park where Sustainability is Key
Haraholmen is an industrial park that brings together many sustainable initiatives and solutions to increase their positive impact. The site uses renewable energy, welcomes companies with a focus on environmental sustainability and is a hub for resource-efficient transport with access to roads, railways and a deepwater port.
Site East – a Climate-Neutral Construction Site
At Skellefteå Site East, close to Northvolt’s factory, one of the world’s most sustainable development projects has been conducted. Maximising the cutting-edge know-how of both Skellefteå Municipality and external partners, Site East is a source of inspiration for the industry. It has the boldness to adopt new approaches to sustainability and work with contractors towards a common vision.
Wood Safari – Experience how Creative Wood Ideas Turns in to Sustainable Living Environments
Advances in timber construction are attracting more and more attention from contractors and architects, who are discovering the benefits of using wood as a building material. In Skellefteå, you can experience a ‘wood safari’ to learn how creative ideas produce low-carbon, attractive living environments.
Skellefteå Airport – the First Fossil-Free Airport
As the global aviation sector faces increasing demands to get on a sustainable flightpath, one airport in northern Sweden has gained a head start. It aims to become Europe’s, and probably the world’s, first fossil-free airport. It is also preparing to become a test centre for electrically powered and vertical take-off aircraft.
Blue Green City Lab Evaluates Sustainable Solutions
At times of more extreme weather caused by climate change, the downside of dense cities with few green spaces and more paved surfaces is evident; extreme heat, flooding and reduced biodiversity. Blue Green City Lab is a test bed that evaluates new and proven ‘blue-green’ solutions to mitigate these effects.
Social and Environmental Investment in Vårsången: a Good Deal for Everyone
The renovation of the rundown area of Vårsången in Malmö has generated many positive effects. People previously moved to Vårsången because of a lack of other options. Today, they move there because it’s an attractive district where residents want to live. This has increased property values significantly, proving that social and environmental investment is a good deal in the long run.
DigIT Hub Helps Businesses and Public Sector Achieve Digitalisation Goals
There is broad consensus that we cannot continue with business as usual if we are to achieve both a sustainable and prosperous future. DigIT Hub is an initiative that helps companies and the public sector digitalise in a unique, collaborative way.
Evolution Road – the Next Generation Electric Roads
In the Evolution Road project, the next generation of ERS (Electric Road System) is being demonstrated and tested at a test site in Lund. ERS provides a charging infrastructure for all kinds of electric vehicles – with benefits such as longer driving range, seamless charging and reduced need for heavy batteries.
Digital Urban Planning Process Boosts Sustainability, Efficiency and Equality
Region Gotland has implemented a digital urban planning process to support case management, digital mailboxes and other aspects of administration. This is contributing to an open, gender-equal and sustainable planning and construction process.
Sensors and AI Technology Provide Smarter Power Grid Maintenance and Troubleshooting
In 2018, the electricity grid around Malå, Sweden, was fitted with a Smart Grid Surveillance system that detects and locates faults and deviations in the grid. The solution enables much more efficient and proactive maintenance, saving time and money.