Find Swedish best practice
Here we have gathered some of the best smart & sustainable city solutions from Sweden. All Best Practices are possible to visit by booking a visit to one of our offices.
Gästrike Återvinnare Leads the Way on Waste Management and Recycling
Do you have a waste management problem and need ideas about how to handle it? And do you want to generate a profit in the process? You can learn from Sweden’s Gävle region, where you’ll find pioneering waste management sites, biogas plants, compost plants and waste management experts.
Västermalmsverket Falun – Heat and power from biomass
World’s first eco-labeled heating!
As the first company in the world, Falun Energy & Water now delivers heating, cooling and electricity with Environmental Certification. The label sets very high standards for the goods accepted and is often called “the world’s toughest environmental label”.
High Voltage Valley Walk: a Tour of Discovery at the Cutting Edge of Sustainable Energy
Experience a unique hub for research, innovation and new technology in electrical power engineering, with a focus on smart grids. In Ludvika, a leading centre in sustainable energy supply, you can take an inspiring walk that will provide new insights into cutting-edge projects to power the future.
Windpower in Hörnefors
Wind power is an endless and renewable source of energy that has been used for thousands of years. It plays an important role in Umeå Energis investment in renewable energy and is in line with the company’s aim to be completely carbon neutral by 2018. In total, the municipality owned company Umeå Energi owns ten wind turbines, which provide significant climate benefits. These turbines are situated in the towns of Hörnefors, Holmsund and Robertsfors.
Umeå’s CHP Plant Sets New Standard in Turning Waste into Power
The generation of both district heating and electricity almost entirely from waste makes the Dåva CHP (combined heat and power) plant extremely energy efficient and environmentally sustainable. Its renewable sources include sorted waste and forest industry residues.
Industrial Symbiosis at Händelö Eco Industrial Park
The small island of Händelö, which is part of the City of Norrköping in eastern Sweden, is home to a remarkable industrial symbiosis in which by-products from one company are used as input for neighbouring companies Everything at the site is based around using green energy.
Filborna Combined Heat- and Power Plant
The Filborna plant is a waste-to-energy plant which combusts sorted waste from the nearby region. It supplies approximately 40 percent of Helsingborg’s heating demand. The plant features a state-of-the art, combined flue gas cleaning and condensation system to ensure high efficiency whilst meeting stringent emission requirements.
The Environmentally Sustainable City of Tomorrow in Malmö’s Western Harbour
Malmö’s Western Harbour, previously a run-down shipyard and industrial area covering 187 hectares, is now a vibrant ‘city within a city’, with a university, around 10,000 residents and more than 16,000 people working there (figure from 2016). The area has its own systems for managing its energy supply and waste treatment, and car traffic in the area has been minimised as an environmentally sustainable approach to urban planning and mobility.