The sustainability goals for the industrial site Site East in Skellefteå in northern Sweden were high. The project was going to be the most sustainable in Sweden and show the way for future projects. After completing the project, it is now clear that the project lived up to the goals.

In Skellefteå in Northern Sweden, a project to create a sustainable industrial area started in 2019. The site covers 45 hectares and is located just a few kilometres outside central Skellefteå. Early on in the initial phase of the project design, Skellefteå Municipality set high sustainability goals and encouraged contractors to take an innovative approach in their tenders. The results have significantly exceeded expectations.

Together with Skanska, which is overseeing the project on behalf of Skellefteå Municipality, the development project saved more than 5,000 tonnes of Co2 emissions and had 75 % less climate impact, compared with if the project had been carried out in the traditional way.

In 2021, the project won the Green Building Awards for its high climate ambitions, where a circular mindset has been implemented. For example, tree stumps are seen as a resource instead of a waste, removed vegetation is reused as a building material, sand and gravel are sorted and reused as backfill material. Moraine is used as filling material, and rock that is excavated is crushed and reused. All workplace vehicles are powered by electricity or HVO.

Read more about Site East here.

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