Join a webinar about opportunities for Swedish companies in Indonesia on the 21st of October, focusing on Indonesia’s waste, wastewater and water resource management. During the webinar, speakers will share their insights about the Indonesian government’s plan to improve waste, wastewater and water resource management in the country.

The information will be beneficial for the Swedish companies as it will reveal the opportunities lies within the Indonesian government’s plan to reach its SDG6 targets. The Swedish companies will have a better understanding of how their solutions can support the plan and get supports in following up the opportunities.

This webinar is part of “Sweden Indonesia Sustainable Partnership(SISP)” that will be held on 23-27 November 2020and “Business Accelerator Program Indonesia (BAPI)”–a continuous program to support Swedish SME in developing their business in Indonesia within energy and environment.

When? 21st of October, 9-10.30 CET

For whom: Swedish companies

Where: Digital meeting, Zoom

Register here (external link).

For inquiries, contact: [email protected]


09.00 –09.05: Opening by Erik Odar, Swedish Trade Commissioner to Indonesia

09.05–09.25: Presentation on “Indonesia Waste and Water Management Business Insight” by Nofilia Kiki and Fuad Hasan –Business Sweden

09.25–09.35: Presentation on “Indonesia Industrial WasteOpportunities” by Fano Alfian –Ailesh Indonesia

09.35–09.45: Presentation on “Indonesia Water ManagementOpportunities” by Fany Wedahuditama –Global Water Partnership in Indonesia

09.45–09.55: Presentation on “Indonesia Sustainability Business –BAPI Perspective” by Paul Westin –Swedish Energy Agency

09.55–10.00: Presentation on “Sweden Indonesia Sustainable Partnership” and “Business Accelerator Program Indonesia”

10.00 –10.20: Discussion and Closing

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