Tests of the next generation of electric roads (ERS) are now starting in Lund. On a one-kilometre long stretch, buses will be charged while driving on the road. The technology generates several benefits such as reduced battery size and higher utilization of the buses due to fewer hours standing still for charging.

The Swedish government wants to increase the speed of electrification in the transport sector to help reach the Swedish climate goal of reducing the emissions from transports. To achieve the goal of reducing emissions by 70 per cent by 2030, a plan for 3000 kilometres of electric roads is being developed.

In order for the transition to fossil-free and electric vehicles to take place, accessible and efficient charging infrastructure for an electric vehicle is needed. Within the project Evolution Road, a conductive ground-mounted ERS is implemented and is now being tested in Lund. In this particular case, buses are being tested but electric roads can charge most types of vehicles such as cars, trucks, and utility vehicles.

The benefits of electric roads include less time for vehicles to stand still for charging, reduced battery sizes by up 80 per cent and more energy-efficient vehicles due to lower weight.

The technology tested in Lund has been developed by the Swedish company Elonroad.

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