One after the other, the news keeps coming demonstrating how Gothenburg is leading the way towards sustainable transports. In fact, the aim is for the entire transport system to be electrified, fossil-free and quiet by 2030. The region’s vehicle clusters are creating a value chain unlike any other in the world and the city’s wide-reaching investments are attracting international attention.

  • The largest single delivery of electric buses in Sweden is underway.
  • The first customer in Sweden has received his Polestar 2 from the company’s global headquarters in Gothenburg.
  • Göteborg Energi, Parkeringsbolaget and Higab recently presented a joint, major initiative to expand the charging infrastructure during the autumn of 2020, which will create even more charging points for the public.

These fresh news items all demonstrate how Gothenburg is leading the way towards sustainable transports.

It’s a journey that has already begun into a future where vehicles are electrified, fossil-free and almost completely silent. The aim is a city with an entirely fossil-free transport system no later than 2030.


Business Region Göteborg is responsible for coordinating the city’s various initiatives and investments.

– Gothenburg is a recognised leader in this area and the city’s various initiatives are structured, wide-reaching and coordinated, all of which is attracting international attention, says Maria Strömberg, Head of Clusters & Innovation at Business Region Göteborg.

– Succeeding with this requires wide-ranging collaboration between the city, its surrounding municipalities, companies and residents in order to arrive at the best solutions for residents, visitors and the business community. Both passenger and freight transport needs to function in this enormous technological transition. It also requires behavioural adaptations, where, for example, rather than using one mode of transport, we are open to a variety of options and combinations that result in more efficient transportation with lower emissions, she says.


Per Österström, Head of Transport and Automotive Industry, Cluster & Industry Development at Business Region Göteborg is working closely with Gothenburg’s various vehicle clusters and he knows the industry better than most.

– In Gothenburg, we have a complete value chain for the vehicle industry. There aren’t many places in the world where you can move from concept to finished product in the same way that we are doing here. We have a ripe climate for collaboration, a systems approach and a complete ecosystem for building vehicles, coping with the shift to electrification and digital technologies and connecting the entire transport system, he says.


The role of Business Region Göteborg in this transition to a fossil-free transport system is to lead the process, coordinate and initiate new forms of collaboration between the various stakeholders involved, each one of whom is responsible for an enormous piece in the puzzle for achieving the ultimate goal.

– For the companies involved in creating solutions, Gothenburg will also become a test bed, showroom and springboard for taking on a global market, says Maria Strömberg.

Being part of Smart City Sweden, the national export platform for sustainable city solutions, is one example of how Business Region Göteborg connects exporting companies with international decision-makers already today. Companies with solutions are displayed along with best practices from our region and we can offer tailor-made programs both online and onsite for delegations.


Gothenburg’s automotive industry

Europe’s largest order for electric buses made in Gothenburg

For more information about Gothenburgs road towards a fossil-free future, please contact:

Per Österström, Manager Automotive and Transport, Business Region Göteborg

Phone: +46 31 367 61 28

E-mail:[email protected]

Maria Strömberg, Director of Cluster and Innovation, Business Region Göteborg

Phone: +46 31 367 61 10

E-mail:[email protected]

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