City of Gothenburg is first city in the world to examine the interaction between autonomous vehicles and sustainable, long-term urban planning. The city is exploring the effects and benefits of technology, including, but not limited to, the future need for parking facilities, enhanced road safety, accessibility, and implications to the use of public space.

Throughout the world there’s ongoing intensive work to test the technology associated with autonomous vehicles but up until now no-one has examined the interaction between technology and urban planning. With the project ‘Autonomous Vehicles as Part of the Deepening of the Comprehensive Plan for Central Gothenburg’, City of Gothenburg is the first in the world to examine the interdependencies between the technology associated with autonomous vehicles and transport systems and the city’s long-term planning. Based on different scenarios and visions for the future, the project will examine the potential effects generated by this emerging technology, and how they relate to the sustainability goals for Gothenburg and the city’s planning of the streets, buildings, parks and public spaces of the future.

“Through this project we are mapping and linking technological outcomes to our current urban planning system. Based on the deepening of the city’s comprehensive plan, we can see how the new conditions that emanate from this technology will have a bearing on our potential to build a good, sustainable city. The lessons that we learn will also provide valuable data that can be passed on to those responsible for developing the technology,” says Anna Svensson, project manager at the City Planning Authority.

“We are still only at the beginning of what digitalisation could entail in the development of a sustainable city that allows people to live a good life. We are therefore pleased that Gothenburg is the first city in the world to examine how autonomous vehicles could, as part of the digitalisation process, create new opportunities for effective urban development,” says Agneta Hammer, Director of Gothenburg City Planning Authority.

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Photo: Illustration shows a model of the new Gothenburg, in front the so called Rivercity.

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