2020 was a special year in many ways and to many people. For Smart City Sweden this meant to go from physical visits, meetings and study visits to offering digital meetings and alternative solutions.
Smart City Sweden has welcomed delegations that are interested in smart and sustainable city solutions since 2018. Last year, six regional offices joined in, ready to offer visits to different places around Sweden. We have welcomed thousands of people and talked about solutions in areas such as mobility, waste management, energy and water treatment, to name a few.
A new digital focus
2020 turned out to be a different year compared to the previous ones and it has proven that it is possible to find new solutions for international cooperation. In March this year, a new, digitalised Smart City Sweden was launched. Since then, we have welcomed hundreds of delegations online. During the year, we met with 122 groups and 1785 people, mostly online, from 60 different countries.

A normal meeting in 2020
A “virtual showroom” was launched on smartcitysweden.com during the year, where visitors can watch recorded webinars and presentations on topics such as waste management and eco governance. We have made a film and several VR tours, so that delegations still can get a glimpse of the study visits that they can usually visit here in Sweden.
In September, Smart City Sweden and H22 arranged the Swedish part of Nordic Edge Expo, the biggest smart city event in the Nordics, digitally. Smart City Sweden and H22 invited guests and broadcasted live with the theme Thoughtful Cities to talk about AI, thoughtful play, how to engage young girls in urban planning and much more.
Smart City Sweden is now closing for the holidays, but we will be back in January, ready to continue to collaborate and create a smarter and more sustainable world.
Happy holidays!
The Smart City Sweden Team