In 2017, France and Sweden signed an agreement on innovation, digital transformation and green solutions. The agreement constitutes a baseline for cooperation between two highly innovative countries, especially when it comes to smart city solutions and green mobility.

The French ambassador, Mr. Etienne Le Harivel de Gonneville, opened the online visit on 15 September 2020 with representatives from among other places:

  • The region Pays de la Loire

  • Business France

  • ID4CAR – a French competitiveness cluster with around 300 members dedicated to automotive and mobility

  • SMILE – an association within regional industrial projects connected to smart grids (smart energy systems).

Gothenburg presented its strong mobility and transport cluster including large OEM:s, global investors and advanced research & collaboration platforms as well as the city’s plan for automated vehicles. One area of interest was how emerging companies can get help when forming strategic alliances with global companies.

Concreate areas for cooperation were identified during the meeting and the online event will hopefully lead to closer cooperation between the two regions in the future.

Explore smart & sustainable solutions from Sweden! We welcome international decision-makers to book online visits at:

Green Gothenburg
Smart City Sweden

Thanks to Trafikkontoret, Drive Sweden, MobilityXlab, RISELindholmen Science Park  & Invest in Gothenburg

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