Smart City Sweden Central

Explore the central parts of Sweden!

Discover smart & sustainable solutions in the central region.

Photo: Bäckelund, Borlänge Energi

About the region

Smart City Sweden Central covers the inland in central Sweden; Dalarna, Värmland, Gävleborg, Örebro and Västmanland. The area is characterized by its large forest assets with high natural values that add to the help of the forest for climate and transition to a fossil-free society. The green economy is of great importance and a prioritized topic.

The region takes a leading position in areas such as sustainable construction, where there are several examples of great knowledge within wood construction, sustainable renovation of buildings and system solutions for clean air as well as heating and cooling in general.

Recycling and waste management is a successful area and the region has been a precursor in the modernization of waste management in Sweden. In the transition to a circular economy, waste, biogas, water and district heating are four corner pillars. The region covers all these parts and more in several businesses, and they are linked by a “sustainable infrastructure” that makes the circular economy possible. The cooperation with the industry is a success factor and another important key factor is the efforts of each resident in their everyday lives in the form of sorting and recycling.

Bäckelund, Borlänge energi

Smart City Sweden Central includes the Bergslagen area, which is a distinguished mining and metal industry region, where sustainable mining is an interesting tourist destination. Several world-leading high-tech metal companies are located here, some with their mines and smelters, and has long-term investments in guaranteeing society’s access to the base and precious metals – from the mining of ore/minerals to production and supply of high-quality metal to the industry.

Electric power and automation technology are other strong business areas with world-leading companies, where the industry offers solutions for high performance combined with minimal environmental impact for energy companies and industries around the world. In Robotdalen and nearby areas, there is unique expertise and solid experience in robotics and application development and where new ideas are constantly being developed and tested in several test centers.

An upcoming business area that has taken the position both nationally and internationally is solar energy technology. The universities, Dalarna University and Karlstad University, conduct outstanding research and development as well as several educational programs, including one of the oldest solar energy education programs for 25 years. This, in combination with projects such as Glava Energy Center, provides a prominent development center, including testbeds at both regional, national and international levels, and which is open to companies and organizations that in one way or another conduct activities in the field of renewable energy or energy efficiency.

Other areas such as commerce, food and the tourism industry are also popular visitor destinations and are often combined with other visitor programs in tailor-made solutions for each visitor group.

Best practice in the region

Villazero – Building for the Future

Villazero – Building for the Future

Villazero is a development project run by Fiskarhedenvillan, Mondo Arkitekter and Structor Byggteknik Dalarna, together with support from Region Dalarna. The project’s purpose is to build a carbon-neutral detached house in Borlänge. It’s a unique opportunity to learn how to build zero-CO2 houses for a more sustainable future.

Retuna Återbruksgalleria

Retuna Återbruksgalleria

ReTuna är världens första Återbruksgalleria. Här shoppar gästerna på ett helt nytt, klimatsmart sätt. Gamla saker tas till vara och får nytt liv genom reparation och upcycling. Allt som säljs är återbrukat, återanvänt, ekologiskt eller hållbart producerat. För hållbarhet handlar inte om att hålla tillbaka och leva mindre – utan om att åstadkomma mer med de resurser vi redan har.

Glava Energy Centre – a Focal Point for Development of Solar-Energy Technology

Glava Energy Centre – a Focal Point for Development of Solar-Energy Technology

Glava Energy Centre is a hive of activity, with a number of projects and collaborations in education and innovation to develop more efficient and sustainable solar-energy solutions to contribute to a fossil-free future.

North river bank – From dockland to sustainable urban area

Visit a showcase of innovative urban development.

Sälen Recycling Centre

Sälen Recycling Centre

Sälen Recycling Centre, where tourists can leave bulky waste, metal scrap, corrugated cardboard, small electronics and hazardous waste for free.

Falun Energy & Water – Combined bioenergy plant

Falun Energy & Water – Combined bioenergy plant

District heating, district cooling, electricity and wood pellets in a smart combination for the next generation.

Gästrike Återvinnare Leads the Way on Waste Management and Recycling

Gästrike Återvinnare Leads the Way on Waste Management and Recycling

Do you have a waste management problem and need ideas about how to handle it? And do you want to generate a profit in the process? You can learn from Sweden’s Gävle region, where you’ll find pioneering waste management sites, biogas plants, compost plants and waste management experts.

Västermalmsverket Falun – Heat and power from biomass

Västermalmsverket Falun – Heat and power from biomass

World’s first eco-labeled heating!

As the first company in the world, Falun Energy & Water now delivers heating, cooling and electricity with Environmental Certification. The label sets very high standards for the goods accepted and is often called “the world’s toughest environmental label”.

Mora Recycling Centre

Mora Recycling Centre

A world class recycle centre where the households can leave their bulky waste, garden waste, electronic waste and hazardous waste. It is also possible to hand in items for reuse.

Borlänge wastewater treatment plants

Borlänge wastewater treatment plants

Purification of wastewater in Borlänge

Wastewater irrigation of Salix Plantations – Hedemora Energy

Wastewater irrigation of Salix Plantations – Hedemora Energy

The largest and northern most full-scale system for wastewater irrigation of Salix plantations in Sweden.
The local community in Hedemora has long experience in producing biofuel from Salix plantations. The cooperation between Hedemora Energi AB and local farmers has resulted in irrigation of 75 acres of Salix Plantations. The local farmers in the project are guaranteed to sell their biofuel to the local municipal heating plant. As a result the project is contributing to the local production and consumption.

Fågelmyra recycling centre

Fågelmyra recycling centre

Fågelmyra is Borlänge municipality recycling center. This is where bulky waste is placed. Borlange residents sort their waste into containers or as hazardous waste. All containers are signposted and marked to facilitate the sorting.

High Voltage Valley Walk: a Tour of Discovery at the Cutting Edge of Sustainable Energy

High Voltage Valley Walk: a Tour of Discovery at the Cutting Edge of Sustainable Energy

Experience a unique hub for research, innovation and new technology in electrical power engineering, with a focus on smart grids. In Ludvika, a leading centre in sustainable energy supply, you can take an inspiring walk that will provide new insights into cutting-edge projects to power the future.

Björnhyttans recycling centers – mechanical sorting

Björnhyttans recycling centers – mechanical sorting

Extraction of compostable soil from household waste

Future Position X – Geographic Information Technology Cluster

Future Position X – Geographic Information Technology Cluster

Future Position X is Europe’s leading cluster for innovative and expanding use of Geographic Information Technology.

Falu Recycling Centre

Falu Recycling Centre

One of Falu Energi & Vatten’s businesses is Waste Management. These include the Falu Recycling Plant that takes care of all household waste and a large part of the waste from private sectors in Falun Municipality.

Hedbergs Tak – Sweden’s most energy efficient industrial building

Hedbergs Tak – Sweden’s most energy efficient industrial building

With the right technology and with smart materials has Hedbergs Tak managed to construct one of Sweden’s most energy efficient industrial buildings.

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