As the year is coming to an end, we summarize the year that has past. In 2019, Smart City Sweden has accelerated faster than ever.

Visitors to Smart City Sweden in 2019

This year, Smart City Sweden has welcomed more delegations than in previous years. Six regional offices have started operating all over Sweden, from Umeå in the north to Malmö in the south, leading to and even greater capacity in welcoming visitors and demonstrating Swedish smart and sustainable city solutions.

Success stories: from visit to action

We are happy to announce that the work during the year has resulted in projects in different parts of the world, such as pre-studies in China, India and South Korea within urban planning, air purification and water treatment. In addition, Smart City Sweden has conducted several follow-up visits to countries that visited Smart City Sweden and who want to invest in Swedish solutions.

Added areas of expertise

During the year, Smart City Sweden has widened the portfolio from focusing mainly on cleantech. Today, we offer a wide range of study visits and many new collaborations in different areas within urban planning have been established. Visitors are now able to meet companies and experts, not only within areas such as waste management, air quality or mobility, but also within digitalisation, social sustainability, and much more.

International events

Smart City Sweden has participated in various events in 2019, such as the Smart City World Expo in Barcelona and Nordic Edge Expo in Stavanger, where actors who are striving to make our cities smarter, cleaner and more inclusive get the chance to meet and exchange experiences.

Chinese delegation on a study visit to Smart City Sweden

New features and updates

In November, a new website was launched with several new features, such as the calendar, which shows all visits at the Smart City Sweden offices. The new website makes it easier to book a visit to Smart City Sweden and to choose which best practice the visitor wants to visit. On top of that, five focus areas with 35 sub-areas have been added with new information, facts and milestones, developed by Smart City Sweden together with experts within each of the fields.

The Head Office now closes for the holidays but will open and welcome visitors again on the 7th of January. We want to thank all people who came to visit us this year, our partners and colleagues and everyone else who was a part of this successful year. We are looking forward to continuing this journey in 2020.

Happy holidays!

/The Smart City Sweden Team

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