AstaZero is the world’s first full-scale independent test environment for future road safety. The facility is unique since the different traffic environments make it possible to test advanced safety systems and their functions for all kinds of traffic and traffic situations including for example light and heavy vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists as well as ICT infrastructure and logistic solutions.
The Swedish Parliament’s vision for road safety is zero dead and seriously injured in traffic. It was approved already in 1997 and therefore Sweden has come a long way in road safety.
In order to further improve future road safety, AstaZero offers world class tracks and facilities for both testing, certification and research purposes. All aspects of active safety can be tested in one place and help is offered to analyze and draw conclusions from test results.
Environmental aspects play an important part in AstaZero’s activities as development of advanced safety systems is related to significant environmental benefits.
The development of new and technically advanced safety systems is also important, since future climate-smart vehicles will be lighter but still run on the same roads as large trucks and buses.
Parallel to the development of more energy-efficient transport, on-going initiatives can change the entire road network as well as current traffic systems, such as the development of electrified roads and environmental road trains.
AstaZero is not only open for vehicle manufacturers and road safety research actors but also for companies within ICT, AI, logistics as well as actors such as legislators, public sector, etc.
The site is strategically placed in the centre of the West Sweden automotive cluster and its assembled expertise within the field of safety.
Example of available testing facilities:
Dry Zone
DryZone is the world’s longest indoor track for testing active safety systems and autonomous technologies for all types of vehicles with same light and road conditions – 24/7, 365 days.
FLX Zone (Former City Area)
The plan is to create a new flexible test area focusing on self-driving vehicles aimed at logistics in urban areas, primarily for automated traffic in closed environments. The test area will ultimately be available both physically and virtually.